
Front End Development

Frontend is a program for beginners in the field of programming. We will learn JavaScript, React.js and work with Git from the most popular programming languages. It doesn’t matter what kind of experience you have, because we provide training from scratch and our program provides complete training. You will go through all the stages of building a high-quality website. The course will illustrate real-life examples and meet the latest industry standards. Mentors who are always with you will help you gain all the important knowledge. Students will solve complex tasks individually or in groups, will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in their projects.

The total payment of the program is 2250 AZN.

Application to the program is currently not active
Start date

August 2023


4-4.5 months

Group size

20-25 students


II at 19:00, IV at 19:00 and VI at 11:00

Admission requirements

18 years and older

Language skills

Knowledge of Azerbaijani and English language


Availability of a personal laptop or computer. Computer skills: a good understanding of basic computer skills, algorithmic thinking, including using the operating system, file management, and working with applications.


Be prepared for intensive training and willingness to constantly research additional materials

Upon the course completion you will::

Be proficient in JavaScript

Understand client-server architecture logic in writing real apps context

Be able to work the React.js frameworks creating apps from scratch and writing texts

Work in the GIT version control system

Read someone else’s code with an understanding of how it works

Tune soft skills, be ready for an interview, self-presentation and product showcase

A chance to work in a team with UX/UI Designers

A chance to participate in master classes with experienced developers/tech leads working in large companies


Front End Development

Number of modules

  • Introduction to HTML tags and structure
  • Basic CSS properties and selectors
  • Building layouts with CSS Flexbox and Grid
  • Responsive design and media queries
  • CSS preprocessors and libraries
  • Introduction to version control and Git concepts
  • Setting up Git and initializing a repository
  • Basic Git commands (commit, branch, merge, push, pull)
  • Variables, data types, and operators
  • Control flow and loops
  • Functions and scope
  • Arrays and objects
  • ES6+ Concepts
  • DOM manipulation and event handling
  • Promises and handling asynchronous errors
  • Asynchronous JavaScript concepts (timers, AJAX)
  • Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Making API requests with Fetch API
  • Handling JSON data
  • Understanding the concept of components
  • JSX syntax and rendering components
  • Handling props and state
  • Event handling in React
  • Conditional rendering and lists
  • Component lifecycle methods
  • React Router for client-side routing
  • Styling React components
  • Form handling and validation 
  • Context API for state management
  • Higher-order components (HOCs)
  • Advanced React hooks
  • Custom hooks 
  • Optimizing performance with memorization
  • Error handling and error boundaries
  • Server components  
  • Introduction to state management libraries (e.g., Redux, MobX)
  • Setting up Redux toolkit with React
  • Actions, reducers, selectors and the store concept
  • Asynchronous data fetching with Redux
  • Redux middleware (e.g., Redux Thunk)
  • Debugging and troubleshooting techniques
  • TypeScript
  • Configuring a TypeScript environment for React
  • Managing state with TypeScript in Redux
  • Type-safe routing with React Router and TypeScript
  • Performance optimization techniques (code splitting, lazy loading)
  • Internationalization (i18n) and localization
  • Testing React applications (unit, integrations, e2e)
  • Introduction to Next.js
  • Build a complete React application
  • Implement features and functionalities using the tools and concepts covered in the syllabus
  • Practice code organization and project structure
  • Deploy the project to a hosting platform