
Mobile Development / Android Advanced

The Advanced Android Mobile App Development course is designed for Android Developers who would like to advance their career and acquire new skills required for Middle Android Developers. The course students will deal with Application Architecture, testing, app distribution, gain intensive practical experience of working with services and API advanced usage. We recommend the course for Developers with 1+ years of experience in Android Mobile development. The tuition fee for Android Mobile Development professional level is 2450 AZN.

Application to the program is currently not active
Start date

November 2022


3, 3.5 Months

Group size

25 Students


III and VI days of week

Admission requirements

Readiness for intensive training

Language skills

Knowledge of English at least Intermediate level


Knowledge of the Koltin programming language Skills with Git Working knowledge of Dagger, RxJava, Android architecture components At least 1 year experience in Android development; Windows personal computer or a laptop


18 years and older

Upon the course completion you will::

Learn how to choose architectural patterns for your application

Apply Dependency Injection (DI) for more comfortable team development and test coverage

Have practical experience of using modern libraries and frameworks (Dagger, RXJava 3)

Acquire skills of working with various methods of data storage

Work with testing frameworks


Mobile Development / Android Advanced

Number of modules

Extension functions

Lambda expressions

Coordinator layout -custom behaviors

Clean achitecture

MVP - model view presenter

MVVM -model view viewmodel

MVI - model view intent

Cotlin property delegates deep dive

Espresso + Kakao

Kaspresso, Marathon, Mock Data

Sealed and data classes

Shimmer effect

UI tools

Jetpack Navigation Component

Shared transition


Data binding

Realm NoSQL database

Room migration

Android studio plugin development

Activity Result Callback Api deep dive

SVG Morph Animation




Kotlin flows + channels

Kotlin couroutines

RxJava 3, Rx operators, interaction with data streams detailed



Gradle advanced usage deep dive

FireBase remote config

FireBase ML Kit

Notification actions

Expandable notifications


Google play console

Submitting Project