Every software developer starts his career path with learning programming language syntax and frameworks. But when one masters programming language it turns out that this is not sufficient for career promotion. The specialists deepen their programming skills and simultaneously broaden their vision on the software development life cycle. To support programming professionals in their career advancing, we have designed the course Software Engineering. We gathered the best software development practices from enterprises and enriched it with modern tools.
Our purpose is to provide software developers with the eagle view on the full cycle of software development in the enterprise and provide skills highly demanded by the employers in CI/CD, Software architecture and design, API development and Cloud solutions.
January 2022
4 month
25-30 students
Weekend bootcamp
Personal laptop or computer and readiness for intensive training
Knowledge of English: Intermediate (B2)
Commercial experience in programming 2+ years
20 years and older
Become familiar with modern SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), including Git SCM (Source Control Management), code review process, Pull Request/Push builds, TDD (Test Driven Development) have detailed information about Release and Branching models.
When and why use User Story Isolation, how to set up an effective collaboration ecosystem within development team be able to setup.
Continuous Integration subsystems based on Jenkins, configure integrations between Github, Jenkins, SonarQube & Nexus setup testing framework, including unit tests, end2end tests, smoke tests,
Build regression plan, configure SonarQube to work with code coverage and Quality Gates understand the difference between Software Architecture & Software design, know how and when to use different patterns and how to transform business inputs into technical terms.
Be able to build RESTful API GraphQL API, Orthogonal API, decompose high-level tasks using Design Patterns use docker as main delivery tool.
Play with Kubernetes to setup HA (High Availability) cluster based on Microservice Architecture
Number of modules