
Full Stack Development - Advanced

This program is designed for those who have basic knowledge in this field and want to improve their knowledge. Fullstack with Node.js means building web applications using a single language, JavaScript with React.js framework, and using Node.js as the server-side runtime environment. This approach allows developers to create highly scalable and efficient web applications that can handle large amounts of traffic and data, while providing a seamless and intuitive user experience.

The tuition fee for the specialty Full Stack Development Advanced is 2450 AZN.

Application to the program is currently not active
Start date

April 2023


4 months

Group size

25-30 students


II, IV and VI days of week (non-working hours)

Admission requirements

21 and older

Language skills

Knowledge of English at least Intermediate level


Availability of a personal laptop or computer


Computer skills: a good understanding of basic computer skills, including using the operating system, file management, and working with applications

Upon the course completion you will::

Proficiency in creating web applications using React.js and Node.js technologies

Knowledge of React.js fundamentals, including nested components, component lifecycle, and hooks

Ability to work with Redux, including middlewares and async actions with redux-thunk

Familiarity with advanced React.js topics such as performance optimization, testing, and working with forms

Understanding of Node.js modular system and working with the file system

Knowledge of backend development using Express.js, including middleware, router, and request/response objects


Full Stack Development - Advanced

Number of modules

  • Npm basics. package.json overview.
  • Gulp and its modules
  • CSS preprocessors. SASS, SCSS. CSS methodologies
  • Adaptive and responsive,  Mobile First. Homework Overview
  • Advanced adaptive, using Flexbox, Grid
  • Function constructor. this as the execution context of the function. this of arrow functions. call, apply, bind..
  • Prototype inheritance. ES6 classes.
  • Closures. Error handling (try ... catch), incl. throwing an exception. Homework Overview
  • Destructuring of objects and arrays, spread and rest operators. Homework Overview
  • Promise
  • AJAX, fetch. axios. JSON parse, stringify. Homework Overview
  • Request types (POST, PUT, DELETE). Request headers (Content-Type). CORS basics.
  • async/await. Event cycle. Async in JS Homework Overview
  • ES6 modules
  • Bootstrap. Step project overview
  • React.JS basics
  • Creating nested components, props, keys
  • Component lifecycle, propTypes, defaultProps
  • React hooks, SVG, working with server
  • React Router V6
  • Redux Basic
  • Middlewares, fetching data from server, async actions with redux-thunk. Redux hooks
  • Redux and middlewares practice
  • Working with forms. Formik. Yup
  • Advanced hooks, performance optimization. Context API
  • Testing React components
  • Advanced CSS styling. Material UI. Deploying React application
  • Familiarity with Node.js and its scope.
  • Node.js modular system. commonjs modules.
  • Global variables (process, __dirname, __filename, global)
  • Working with the file system. fs and path modules.
  • How to debug Node.js. Debug in browser Typescript basics
  • What is web server
  • Content-Type
  • Postman
  • Query string
  • Error processing
  • Keeping secrets on the server. .env file and dotenv package
  • CORS Express basics
  • Middleware
  • Router
  • Callbacks for middleware
  • Request/Response objects - Introduction to relational databases
  • SQL query language
  • Configuring TypeORM to connect the database to the application"
  • Introduction to Heroku.
  • Creating a database (Postgres) on Heroku.
  • Running migrations and updating the database schema
  • Updated ormconfig-init file -> so that it can now generate
  • ormconfig.json file with two connections (to the local database and to the cloud)"
  • Deploy our server to Heroku (via Github)
  • Setting up pipelines for automatic application deployment
  • Adding environment variables (.env file) on the cloud.
  • Configuration of two application launch modes - DEV/PROD."
  • What is a JWT token: what it consists of, what it is intended for.
  • What does it mean to "sign a token"
  • How user login works.
  • Token verification and access restriction for unauthorized busers.
  • Restricting access to endpoints by roles 
  • Create requests - Creation of collections - Collection Runner - Pre-request scripts - Post request scripts
  • Introduction to Swagger(OpenAPI) - Why is it needed? - Connecting Swagger to the created project - Testing
  • Introduction to - Implementation of sockets on the backend ( - Implementation of sockets on the frontend ( - Configuring and connecting sockets to each other - Event handling

Final project